- Matilde Bisballe
- 33 år
- Ansat siden 2017
- M.Eng. In Design and Innovation from DTU
Can you briefly describe the area of business that you are working with, including your primary work tasks?
I work in the R&D department in 3Shape as a Systems Engineer focusing on usability and user experience. My core responsibility is to be the voice of the user inside the R&D department and ensure the quality of the user experience when hardware and software come together.
My main tasks consist of testing the and transforming user insights into tangible product requirements. In my everyday work, for example, I bring prototypes and concepts to dental professionals and conduct various types of user tests.
What are the most exciting and challenging tasks that you face in your job?
The most interesting part of my job is working with a product that is a combination of hardware, software and the interactions in between. It creates unique challenges when trying to design superior user experiences in, for example, dental clinics: from the click of a physical button to creating guiding workflows in the software.
Also, it is an interesting and classic innovation challenge to decide how technology can accommodate the end-users in the most valuable way.
How do you use your education in your current position?
I use my toolbox from my masters in design & innovation (DTU, DK) when conducting user research in various ways. When taking the insights further, I use methods for concept development and knowledge sharing in general. I have a PhD in prototyping user experiences (NTNU, NO) and since 3Shape has a really cool workshop in the middle of our office, I build various interaction-prototypes to visualize concepts and rapidly test ideas.
Which three things are of most importance, when working in an organization like 3Shape?
1. Communication skills – we collaborate across various disciplines
2. Openness to ambiguity – 3Shape values innovation and willing to take risks. Hence, one has to thrive in an environment where explorative activities and new insight can change the direction of a project.
3. Initiative – In 3Shape, you get a lot of freedom to decide and develop products and activities you find important. Hence, it is important to be self-driven in your way of working.
Why is 3Shape an attractive organization for you to work at?
1. Inspiring, motivated and friendly colleagues
2. Interesting and highly technical products used in a relatable user environment. This creates interesting possibilities when designing the user experience of the systems.
3. The office is located in the middle of Copenhagen so my commute from Noerrebro is around fifteen minutes on bike.