- Amalie Skjold
- 27 år
- Ansat siden august 2018
- Cand.IT (ITKO) – Master i IT, Kommunikation og Organisation, Aarhus BSS
How would you describe your field and main tasks?
I am a graduate in TDC Group Security’s Operational Excellence team. Operational Excellence’s main task is to facilitate TDC Group Security’s maturity, improvement programmes, and security awareness. This means that our tasks can be divided into two categories: Performance and communication.
During my first six months in Operational Excellence, I worked with tasks related to communications - including developing an internal Security Awareness programme reaching all employees in TDC Group. Projects in my second rotation focus on performance - including the development of a KRI Dashboard.
What are the most exciting and challenging parts of your job?
The most exciting part of my job is the ability to work on many different projects at the same time. This is challenging but keeps my learning curve steep. It forces me to always focus and prioritize. Further, it allows me to work with, and learn from, many high-skilled people.
How do you use your education in your position?
My Master in IT, Communications and Organisation focused on the intersection of technology and business and I use the skills I acquired in my master’s degree every day. My job – regardless of the specific project – intersects cyber- and physical security with business, as well as with people. In the beginning, I was afraid to be a "business and communication person" in a technical environment, but as it turned out, my background serves as an advantage.
What are the three most important things for you in your job at TDC Group?
To me, the most important thing is being challenged, and thereby develop both professionally and personally.
Secondly, I find it very important to feel like I add value to the work that I am doing.
Thirdly, I value being around skilled and engaged colleagues. This makes me strive to be the best version of myself in every aspect.
Why is TDC Group an attractive company for you to work in?
TDC is an attractive place to work at as a graduate, because the programme is tailored to fit the individual.
Further, TDC is willing to invest in you and your personal development. Both my direct manager and the rest of the leadership team in my department are very invested in developing my competences and ensuring I get the best possible start in my professional career. Their engagement makes me strive to become better every day.