Uddannelsens længde
ECTS-points: 120
Uddannelsen er på SU-fasttrack listen
Uddannelsen er godkendt til støtte i perioden fra 13. juni 2015 til 12. juni 2019. Efter denne periode skal uddannelsen igen vurderes for at komme på Fast Track listen.
Om uddannelsen
Through research, education and advisory work, animal scientists can improve the production and wellbeing of our animals. Animal science plays an increasing role internationally when it comes to improving and developing animal husbandry practices. The programme has a duration of 2 years and will prepare you for a number of careers.
Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - SLU
SLU´s main campus is Ultuna, six kilometres south of Uppsala. This is where you find the Vice-Chancellor´s Office and most of the administration. The faculties of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences, and of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science are also...