Uddannelsen er på SU-fasttrack listen
Uddannelsen er godkendt til støtte i perioden fra 28. april 2016 til 27. april 2020. Efter denne periode skal uddannelsen igen vurderes for at komme på Fast Track listen.
Uddannelsens længde
ECTS-points: 180
Om uddannelsen
The New Media Design programme suits those who wish to combine graphic design, programming and web design with knowledge in both marketing communication and project management.
On this programme, you will get the skills to design and encode interactive web applications for different devices and platforms with a clear focus on the user experience. You will also get theoretical and practical knowledge for designing graphic material for both printed and digital media.
Jönköping Universitet
Jönköping University is a young professional-oriented university characterised by a high degree of internationalization, an entrepreneurial spirit and extensive collaboration with surrounding society. It is one of three Swedish private, non-profit institutions of higher education with the right to award...