Hvorfor vælge CBS?
37.317kr* Gennemsnitlig løn som nyuddannet
4/5* - Fagligt miljø
4/5* - Socialt miljø
*Baseret på tal fra Uddannelseszoom 2021
Om uddannelsen
You will learn to design data-driven transformations for tourism companies by combining the subject areas of sustainable management and digitalization. You will engage in collaborative projects and datasets provided by business partners, to understand and to tackle the grand challenges of sustainable development. You will gain a deep understanding of the consumers of this specific market. You will develop exceptional analytical skills and strategic competences by fully exploit the potentials of digital methods and platforms. You will become a specialist to address complex managerial issues facing the tourism and hospitality sector and to generate long-term sustainable value for both businesses and society.
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CBS - forskning og undervisning i verdensklasse
Drømmer du om at uddanne dig på et internationalt universitet, der har tæt samarbejde med erhvervslivet og giver dig spændende og udfordrende jobmuligheder, når du er færdig? Copenhagen Business School, CBS, sætter forskning og undervisning i højsædet, og tilbyder dig...