Om uddannelsen
Subject of the program are two foreign languages - the B-language and the C-language - in relation to the basic German language. Selectable languages are English, French, Spanish, Italian, Russian and Portuguese.
The focus of the bachelor's degree program is on linguistics and translation science, translating as cultural studies and translating specialized texts from various disciplines. In addition, a supplementary area (module 17) and a Comprehensive Competences module are taken. Supplementary areas are: science and technology; Economics, social sciences and law as well as life sciences and medicine.
Uddannelsens længde
ECTS-points: 180
Uddannelsen er på SU-fasttrack listen
Uddannelsen er godkendt til støtte i perioden fra 17. januar 2018 til 16. januar 2022. Efter denne periode skal uddannelsen igen vurderes for at komme på Fast Track listen.